Mr. Ebu (1st) * Golfregion (2nd) * Ganzkunscht (3rd) * Klartraum (4th) * Escobine (5th)

Livestream/Radio X

Email Escobar


March 08, 2011

Playlist Escobar
by golfregion

March 8, 2011

00 Artist: Track: Album
01 Parlamentarisk Sodomi: Ode Til Siv Jensen: Parlamentarisk Sodomi/Blodsprut
02 Insect Warfare: False Grind Alienation: Insect Warfare/Carcass Grinder
03 Godstomper: I Hate Short Songs: Godstomper/No Comply
04 Godstomper: Hellogoodbye: Heavy Metal Vomit Party
05 Agents of Abhorrence: Toshio: Covert Lobotomy
06 Godstomper: The Meaning Of Life: Godstomper/No Comply
07 The Poopy Butts: Will Kills: 10,000 Wipes
08 Godstomper: Aaron Goes to the Zoo: Heavy Metal Vomit Party
09 Parlamentarisk Sodomi: En Biografi Om Jens Stoltenberg: Parlamentarisk Sodomi/Blodsprut
10 Godstomper: Hoarder: Saturday Morning Powerviolence
11 Extortion: Extortion: Extortion
12 Godstomper: Shitlist: Heavy Metal Vomit Party
13 Agents of Abhorrence: The Audacity of You: Earth.Water.Sun
14 The Poopy Butts: Wrong House: Songs to Clog Your Toilet To
15 Melt-Banana: 7.2 Seconds Flipping: Bllleeeeaaauuurrrrgghhh! - A Music War!
16 The Poopy Butts: L.P. Butts: 10,000 Wipes
17 Godstomper: Last Request Sellout: Bllleeeeaaauuurrrrgghhh! - A Music War!
18 Magrudergrind: Hitler Only Had One Testicle Part 1: Don't Support Humanitary Aid Led by the Church
19 324: Modify: Bllleeeeaaauuurrrrgghhh! - A Music War!
20 Godstomper: Therapy?: Heavy Metal Vomit Party
21 Agents of Abhorrence: Taste For Life: Agents of Abhorrence Demo
22 Extortion: Bound and Gagged: Control
23 Hewhocorrupts: This Is 6 Cymbal Hits: Godstomper/Hewhocorrupts
24 Agents of Abhorrence: Charade: Character Dissection
25 The Poopy Butts: Kevin Has Morals: Songs to Clog Your Toilet To
26 Magrudergrind: 211: Akkolyte/Magrudergrind
27 Totalt Jävla Mörker: Om Mao Var Här: Det Ofrivilliga Lidandets Maskineri
28 The Poopy Butts: I'm Hungry: 10,000 Wipes
29 Godstomper: Backstabbin Shiteater: Godstomper/No Comply
30 The Poopy Butts: Gebo: Songs to Clog Your Toilet To
31 Melt-Banana: First Defy: MxBx 1998-13000 Miles at Light Velocity
32 Parlamentarisk Sodomi: Likvider En Samfunnstopp: Parlamentarisk Sodomi/Blodsprut
33 The Poopy Butts: I Want To Lick Your Butthole: 10,000 Wipes
34 Insect Warfare: Street Sweeper: World Extermination
35 Magrudergrind: Humanitary Aid: Don't Support Humanitary Aid Led by the Church
36 The Poopy Butts: Godzilla: Songs to Clog Your Toilet To
37 Parlamentarisk Sodomi: Haglende Vådeskudd I Retning Løvebakken: Parlamentarisk Sodomi/Blodsprut
38 Cut the Shit: Laugh It Off: Marked For Life
39 Magrudergrind: America on Alert: Don't Support Humanitary Aid Led by the Church
40 Melt-Banana: Some Kind of ID: MxBx 1998-13000 Miles at Light Velocity
41 Agents of Abhorrence: Refuge in Routine: Agents of Abhorrence/Roskopp
42 Hewhocorrupts: Shot Through The Heart But It's Too Late: Murderous Grind Attack
43 Insect Warfare: F.T.L.: Agoraphobic Nosebleed/Insect Warfare
44 Melt-Banana: Zoo, No Vacancy: Scratch Or Stitch
45 Extortion: Germs: Control
46 Magrudergrind: My Left Hand (Japanese): Religious Baffle
47 Cut the Shit: Pressure: Marked For Life
48 Godstomper: Tackleberry: Heavy Metal Vomit Party
49 Cut the Shit: Up All Night: Marked For Life
50 The Poopy Butts: Warm Weather: 10,000 Wipes
51 Magrudergrind: Agnostic Technology: Don't Support Humanitary Aid Led by the Church
52 Godstomper: Fed Up: Murderous Grind Attack
53 The Poopy Butts: Cold Weather: Songs to Clog Your Toilet To
54 Hewhocorrupts: Pushups For Jesus: Murderous Grind Attack
55 The Poopy Butts: I.P. Relay: 10,000 Wipes
56 Hewhocorrupts: You Dropped the Ball: Microeconomics
57 Insect Warfare: Untitled: Insect Warfare/The Kill
58 Extortion: Wrong Again: Extortion/Agents of Abhorrence
59 Extortion: Masses: Extortion/Agents of Abhorrence
60 Agents of Abhorrence: Stencil Wave: Agents of Abhorrence Demo
61 Shitstorm: Getting Heated: Magrudergrind/Shitstorm
62 Extortion: Cut Short: Terminal Cancer
63 Melt-Banana: We Love Choco-Pa!: MxBx 1998-13000 Miles at Light Velocity
64 Extortion: Mindless Violence: Extortion
65 The Poopy Butts: Popsicles and Skate Videos: Songs to Clog Your Toilet To
66 Extortion: Repeat: Extortion
67 Shitstorm: Ignorant Extermination: Magrudergrind/Shitstorm
68 Cut the Shit: WWIII: Harmed And Dangerous
69 Godstomper: Negative Impact: A Killer Combo
70 Cut the Shit: Doctor/Martyr: Marked For Life
71 Agents of Abhorrence: Paralysis: Character Dissection
72 Extortion: Monstrosity: Terminal Cancer
73 The Poopy Butts: Big 3 Nazi: Songs to Clog Your Toilet To
74 Shitstorm: Locked Up: Shitstorm/Sloth
75 Magrudergrind: Mylefthand (English): Religious Baffle
76 Insect Warfare: Corporation Life Form: Agoraphobic Nosebleed/Insect Warfare
77 Magrudergrind: Housewife Plague: Don't Support Humanitary Aid Led by the Church
78 Godstomper: Deadalive: Heavy Metal Vomit Party
79 Magrudergrind: Kill to Thrash: Don't Support Humanitary Aid Led by the Church
80 Insect Warfare: Zone Killer: World Extermination
81 Godstomper: Born Again: Saturday Morning Powerviolence
82 Extortion: Do It Yourself: Extortion
83 The Poopy Butts: Poop Shower: Songs to Clog Your Toilet To
84 Godstomper: Shogun: Godstomper/Cathy Ames
85 The Poopy Butts: Steve Gula Fingered Erica Sullivan: Songs to Clog Your Toilet To
86 Melt-Banana: His Name Is Mickey (at last she got him...): Scratch Or Stitch
87 Agents of Abhorrence: Leeches: Agents of Abhorrence Demo
88 Extortion: Pull The Pin: Extortion
89 Godstomper: Root of All Emo: Godstomper/Hewhocorrupts
90 The Poopy Butts: Zombies, Skating and Food: Songs to Clog Your Toilet To
91 Melt-Banana: A Finger To Hackle: Scratch Or Stitch
92 Magrudergrind: -: Magrudergrind/Shitstorm
93 The Poopy Butts: Poopy Sluts: 10,000 Wipes
94 Agents of Abhorrence: Frustration: Covert Lobotomy
95 The Poopy Butts: Kevin Goes To Japan: 10,000 Wipes
96 Insect Warfare: Deception Fortress: Agoraphobic Nosebleed/Insect Warfare
97 Carcass Grinder: ナパーミダブツ: Do You Love Grind? Pt:5
98 Extortion: No Such Luck: Degenerate
99 Godstomper: Spock Rock: Godstomper/Hewhocorrupts
100 Insect Warfare: Human Virus Ballistic: Agoraphobic Nosebleed/Insect Warfare
101 Extortion: Derailed: Extortion/Jed Whitey
102 Godstomper: Rhino Charge: Godstomper/No Comply
103 Extortion: Liar: Extortion
104 Carcass Grinder: Napalmidabutsu: Carcass Grinder/SMG
105 Godstomper: Golly Gee: Saturday Morning Powerviolence
106 Hewhocorrupts: Maybe You Should Grow Balls: Microeconomics
107 Carcass Grinder: がんさん: Trituradora De Cadáveres
108 Extortion: Senile: Extortion/Jed Whitey
109 Carcass Grinder: Lay Off Me (Agathocles Cover): Cgarchy
110 Extortion: Outside: Extortion/Agents of Abhorrence
111 Shitstorm: World Of Shit: Magrudergrind/Shitstorm
112 Godstomper: French Fry: A Killer Combo
113 Hewhocorrupts: Dominatrix Dance Design: Murderous Grind Attack
114 Shitstorm: Desensitized: Magrudergrind/Shitstorm
115 Extortion: Bloodshot Eyes: Extortion/Agents of Abhorrence
116 Hewhocorrupts: Two Buckets of Fuck You Plaster: Hewhocorrupts/Third Degree
117 Insect Warfare: Command Of The Guillotine: Endless Execution Through Violent Restitution
118 Carcass Grinder: Hormone Shower: Carcass Grinder/Intestinal Disease
119 Agents of Abhorrence: Rendered Useless: Covert Lobotomy
120 The Poopy Butts: Zombies Ate My Neighbors: Songs to Clog Your Toilet To
121 The Poopy Butts: Skateboards and Gore: 10,000 Wipes
122 Carcass Grinder: Yes No 枕: Split Tape '98
123 The Poopy Butts: Ikaruga: Songs to Clog Your Toilet To
124 Carcass Grinder: Burakamida: Oita City Grind Core
125 The Poopy Butts: Mikey P: Songs to Clog Your Toilet To
126 Cut the Shit: Flash in the Pan: Cut the Shit
127 Extortion: Mountain of Shit: Control
128 Parlamentarisk Sodomi: Dump Meg I Ei Massegrav: Parlamentarisk Sodomi/Blodsprut
129 Agents of Abhorrence: Under Earth: Earth.Water.Sun
130 Parlamentarisk Sodomi: Anal Andakt: Parlamentarisk Sodomi/Blodsprut
131 Carcass Grinder: Departure(s): Three Way Split Tape '96
132 Insect Warfare: Technology War: Agoraphobic Nosebleed/Insect Warfare
133 Melt-Banana: One Dimensional (Discordance Axis): Melt-Banana/Discordance Axis
134 Hewhocorrupts: Where's the F'n Ball?: Microeconomics
135 Magrudergrind: Trustfund Whitey: Rehashed
136 Godstomper: I Dont Know the Words Part 1: Gorgonized Dorks/Godstomper
137 Carcass Grinder: すっとんオイ!: Split Tape '98
138 Extortion: Fucked in the Head: Extortion/Rupture
139 Godstomper: Mosh Core Anthem: Short Hate Temper vs. Godstomper
140 Carcass Grinder: CGDH: Three Way Split Tape '96
141 Agents of Abhorrence: Bow To Falafel: Agents of Abhorrence Demo
142 Magrudergrind: Army of None: Don't Support Humanitary Aid Led by the Church
143 Godstomper: Better Off Dead: Gorgonized Dorks/Godstomper
144 The Poopy Butts: Addicted to Fruit Snacks: Songs to Clog Your Toilet To
145 Hewhocorrupts: The Ball Is In Your Court: Microeconomics
146 Godstomper: Chupasangre: Godstomper/Cathy Ames
147 Hewhocorrupts: Architecture Of The Penis And Vagina: Murderous Grind Attack
148 Shitstorm: Religious War: Magrudergrind/Shitstorm
149 Insect Warfare: Brain Infestation: At War With Grindcore
150 Agents Of Abhorrence: Floodgate: Silent Decay
151 Phoenix Bodies: Does Anybody Have A Boom Stand...?: Too Much Information
152 Parlamentarisk Sodomi: Nei Til EF: Parlamentarisk Sodomi/Blodsprut
153 Magrudergrind: Keeps Laughing: Rehashed
154 Godstomper: Goatrider: Saturday Morning Powerviolence
155 Magrudergrind: Jc And Aa: Rehashed
156 Shitstorm: The Hell We Call Home: Shitstorm/Sloth
157 Insect Warfare: Obscene Creed: Endless Execution Through Violent Restitution
158 Extortion: No Motive: Control
159 Insect Warfare: Hypothermia: Insect Warfare/Flagitious Idiosyncrasy in the Dilapidation
160 Shitstorm: Shitstorm: Shitstorm/Sloth
161 Cut the Shit: Bored To Death: Bored to Death
162 Extortion: Wake Up Fucked: Sick
163 Insect Warfare: Blood Wind: Insect Warfare/Flagitious Idiosyncrasy in the Dilapidation
164 Mind of Asian: 理想⇔現実: 沈黙の霧の中
165 Extortion: The Rising Tide: Degenerate
166 Agents of Abhorrence: Wall Splitter: Covert Lobotomy
167 Carcass Grinder: よいしょ オイッチニイ!: Split Tape '98
168 Extortion: Lose Control: Degenerate
169 Cut the Shit: I Went Away To Art College: Harmed And Dangerous
170 Carcass Grinder: Hana Hook: Carcass Grinder/SMG

Radio Escobar
Frankfurt, Germany, since 1996
Every Tuesday, 9 pm, 91.8 Mhz
Mr. Ebu (1st) * Golfregion (2nd) * Ganzkunscht (3rd) * Klartraum (4th) * Escobine (5th)

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